Highlights Magazine Launches Free Podcast of Fiction Series

Highlights for Children, the best read children's magazine in the nation, today debuts a free podcast of its popular monthly fiction story series "Ask Arizona."

"Arizona is one of our readers' favorite characters. Kids identify with her humorous approach to life's challenges," says Highlights Editor in Chief Christine French Clark. "We're so excited to give her a voice and allow her fans to experience the character in a new way."

The podcast marks the first time that the Arizona character has journeyed off the written page. "For more than six decades our flagship magazine has helped kids develop basic skills and knowledge, creativity, reasoning and sensitivity to others," said Highlights CEO Kent Johnson. "It's been essential that as the company develops other avenues to serve children - from our websites to our toy catalog to the new podcast - they reflect the same devotion to wholesome Fun with a Purpose."

The podcast is available through Apple's iTunes and can also be accessed at HighlightsKids.com in "The Arizona Zone," a section devoted to Arizona, a friendly and sometimes zany girl with a knack for giving advice, often by telling a funny story.

The character of Arizona is played by voice actor Kara Edwards. The "Ask Arizona" column is authored by Lissa Rovetch. Since its debut in 2005, the monthly feature has been a favorite of Highlights readers.

Website: http://www.highlights.com/
Website: http://HighlightsKids.com/