Children Who Start School Smarter, Stay Smarter For Life

With appropriate help from their parents, children can easily start school smarter and have the benefit of being smarter for life. Scientific evidence as a result of worldwide research by institutions shows that the best learning period for children is from birth to three years of age. A new book, Raising Smarter Babies by Susan Butler, explains how parents can easily assist their babies in becoming smarter.

"Parents continue to make the mistake of believing that it is not necessary to teach their children until they are nearing school age. Hundreds of millions of research dollars are spent each year worldwide by Universities, Governments, Medical Associations and Institutions on the development of babies' learning abilities. These findings show that postponing teaching a child until school age is wrong," notes author Susan Butler.

The importance of early education is strongly emphasized in the U.S. Department of Education publication 'Helping Your Child Become a Good Reader' issued in 2005. The foreword of this publication contains the following: " well children learn...affects not only how successful they are at school but how well they do throughout their lives."

The foreword of another U.S. Department of Education publication Helping Your Child Get Ready for School contains the following: "...The first teachers are the parents both by example and conversation...All children have two wonderful resources for learning, imagination and curiosity."

Butler says, "With the optimal learning period being from birth to three years of age, it is essential that parents educate their babies from the day they are born. To demonstrate the point further, one of the leading International Academies points out that:

  • The brain consists of billions of neurons (brain cells) at birth.

  • The use of these neurons differentiates a smart child from an average child.

  • An increase in usage of these neurons creates better learning abilities.

  • The Raising Smarter Babies book states that the more stimulating and imaginative educational activities you provide babies, the greater the neuron density network will be. This results in smarter babies due to stimulated brain development.

    The actions parents need to take to make their babies smarter are many and varied and must stimulate the creative and imaginative senses of babies. These actions include many simple activities such as:

  • Constantly talking directly to babies while looking into their eyes.

  • Reading appropriate story books to them in a way which intrigues them.

  • Singing lullabies and humming regularly while holding them. This stimulates brain activity.

  • Use of a variety of music.

  • Parent participation in certain types of games.

  • Organized rotation of toys.

    • There are many similar actions parents can take which will help stimulate their child's brain activity. It is essential that all parents learn the appropriate actions to take to assist their child becoming smarter, starting school smarter and staying smarter for life.

      About the Author
      Susan Butler is a co-author of this exceptional book, 'Raising Smarter Babies', and has used her university qualifications and training to coordinate her eight person review team that has spent thousands of hours studying the worldwide reports on the findings of brilliant research conducted on this subject matter. More information is available at