How The Internet Has Changed K-12 Education

Don Tapscott, a leading authority on business strategy and author of Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World, discusses how the Internet has changed K-12 education on the latest edition of This is the only national podcast Web site created expressly for district leaders and other educational leaders.

In this interview with Arthur Griffin, Jr., senior vice president of McGraw-Hill Education's Urban Advisory Resource, Tapscott discusses the world of digital natives and how the explosion of the Internet into mainstream society has necessarily and completely changed education.

"Growing up interacting with this technology actually changes the way these students are, the way they think, and the way they process information," Tapscott said. "The old model of learning based on lecturing is so encoded in our culture. Teaching needs to be about creating a context where students can discover. We need people who can think, solve problems, and communicate in the knowledge economy. Technology has transformed their lives in a positive way to facilitate the new style of learning."

An expert on how information technology changes business, government and society and education, Tapscott is chairman of nGenera Insight. He served as founder and chairman of the international think tank New Paradigm before its acquisition by nGenera. He is an internationally sought writer, consultant and speaker for many of the world's largest corporations and government leaders from many countries. The Washington Technology Report called him one of the most influential media authorities since Marshall McLuhan. He also is Adjunct Professor of Management, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.