$20,000 Scholarship for High School Students

MoreThangrades.com has added three new show us why you are "More Than a Grade" scholarships. These scholarships are open to all high school students. The scholarships are themed based. Currently, there are three $1000 scholarships for creating a unique profile, a sports themed video, and a musical themed video. All a student has to do is film their talent and show why they are "More Than a Grade."

Starting January 1, 2009 MoreThanGrades will sponsor a $20,000 international scholarship for the best overall video in any category. The finalists will be chosen by MoreThanGrades members by popular vote. A students grades and their financial need will not be included in the judging process. For those who are looking for more traditional scholarships, check out our list corporate sponsored scholarships listed under Non-Morethangrades scholarships. Students can register at: http://www.morethangrades.com