$670,000 in Scholarships Available from AXA Foundation

For the seventh year, U.S.News & World Report and AXA Foundation announce the offering of the AXA Achievement(SM) Scholarships. Awarding $670,000 to students throughout the nation, the scholarship program is part of AXA Achievement(SM), which is dedicated to providing resources that help make college possible.

Applications are available now at http://www.axa-achievement.com/, and the deadline for submissions is December 15, 2008. Additional details of the AXA Achievement(SM) program are featured in the U.S.News & World Report 2009 America's Best Colleges issue, on newsstands August 25.

"The winners, known as AXA Achievers, are students who are involved in improving their communities and making a difference," said Bill Holiber, president of U.S.News & World Report. "Our partnership with the AXA Foundation helps to give these amazing students a head start on achieving even greater things."

Fifty-two students, one from each state plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, will be selected to receive one-time scholarship awards of $10,000 each; 10 students will be selected as national winners from the pool of 52, earning an additional scholarship of $15,000 and the offer of an AXA internship. Qualified candidates will have demonstrated drive and determination to succeed, the ability to thrive in a college environment, and respect for self, family, and community. The scholarship is administered by Scholarship Management Services(TM), a program of Scholarship America(SM), one of the nation's largest nonprofit private sector scholarship and educational support organizations.